Saturday, 24 September 2011

TriWizard Exam or TriWizExam

Hello Potterheads!
HERE IS THE SURPRISE YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!! We, Admins, have decided to conduct a Triwizard Tournament Examination, in which, we will give you some questions and you simply have to answer that...

Now before you ask What,s the fun in that, here is what the pattern will be-

Total Sheilds-50 marks

Q.1) Name the following (10 shields)
Q.2) Answer the following refering to the book (10 shields)
Q.3) Case study(10 shields)
In this question, we will ask you the questions in which you have to answer what you will do or what will your choice be if... nd so on...
Q.4) Spell practice(10 shields)
You will be asked to choose 9 spells frm the list of 25 spells
Q.5) Creativity Counter(10 shields)
You will be asked to create something of your own!

There will be 3 such papers, each paper regarding 1 task! 3 tasks in all...

Enroll yourself only if you dare!

Send an email to us at

15days left to enroll!

Your Admin,

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